Google a dezvaluit saptamana trecuta statisticile in procente de utilizari a fiecarei versiuni a sistemului de operare Android lansat pana acum. Daca pana curand (anul 2012 in special) majoritatea smartphone-urilor cu Android aveau versiunea Gingerbread (2.3.x) instalata anul acesta a venit sa-i i-a locul Android 4.0 Ice Cream Sandwich, dupa un an de la primele lansari de device-uri cu ICS. Imi amintesc ca printre primele device-uri Android 4.0 au fost si tablete ieftine cu configuratii proaste insa care rulau mult mai bine fata de Gingerbread, datorita imbunatatirilor facute in cod.
Android Ice Cream Sandwich are 28.6% cota din piata, in timp de Jelly Bean are doar 16.5% dar eu cred ca intr-un an sau poate mai mult de un an Jelly Bean ii va lua locul.
“Notice that the platform versions are stacked on top of each other with the oldest active version at the top. This format indicates the total percent of active devices that are compatible with a given version of Android.
For example, if you develop your application for the version that is at the very top of the chart, then your application is compatible with 100% of active devices (and all future versions), because all Android APIs are forward compatible.
Or, if you develop your application for a version lower on the chart, then it is currently compatible with the percentage of devices indicated on the y-axis, where the line for that version meets the y-axis on the right.”
Informatiile au fost colectate de companie in decurs de 14 zile, cu ultima zi de colectare pe 4 Martie 2013. E interesant ca inca sunt developeri care programeaza pentru prima versiune de Android.
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